OSS Presentation
I blogged previously that I was creating a presentation on OSS. Since then, for various reasons, the direction of the presentation has changed. It has become more focused (a good thing), but I’m still looking for input. The new focus will be on Open Source in Vancouver. (Incidentally, that’s also the title. :P) I will be focusing on what OSS people in Vancouver are doing (their projects), what the current state of the OSS community is, and possible ways to improve it. Or, at least, open a discussion on this.
So I need to know of OSS contributors, projects, or OSS focused groups in the lower-mainland area. If you know of anything that may be relevant, please let me know! I find it amazingly difficult to search for this kind of thing (but I’m not ruling out my incompetence). Once I get some contacts, I will be doing an email interview of sorts to gather some information from each of the representatives. What kind of information would you or others be interested in? If you have ideas for questions I should ask, let me know (via comment or email).
If all goes smoothly, I will be doing this (brief) presentation on August 2nd, for the VanDev meetup. Details can be found at the VanDev website.
Going to the Python Developer Conference in Vancouver? I’ve signed up, with zero Python experience. It spans three days (Aug 4-6), the creator of the language is one of the keynotes, and it has optional salmon BBQ and Pub events. I think it’ll be fun! It’s not expensive, so if you have any interest, you should sign up too! 🙂
There’s also a completely free Ruby-on-Rails workshop on July 26th. I’ll be bringing my laptop to that one. Not sure if I should bring it to the Python event… probably will.