
(Had this sitting in my drafts for about a week… time to finish it up and push it out!) After setting up my Wacom Graphire tablet on my laptop (copy-pasting some xorg.conf stuff) I decided to leave it on my bed. If I leave it on, with the Gimp (graphic application) open and the tablet… Continue reading Doodles

Watching and Reading

(Online) Comics I’ve been reading Butternut Squash – Start at the beginning. Polished style. Crude humour. Hilarious. (Thanks for pointing this out, Jon!) Kukuburi – Start at the beginning. Elaborate style. Adventure. Bit of a slow start. Actually the plot’s still unravelling, but the art is pretty and the story is getting interesting. (By the… Continue reading Watching and Reading

Providing a Service

On my last post, my friend, Jesse, commented on how he had a dilemma while designing a website for a client. His problem was that his client is not technically oriented. What clients are? That’s why they’re clients. 🙂 Anyway, since he liked my recent graphic efforts so much, I decided to illustrate the simplest… Continue reading Providing a Service

Almost 2, going on 4

Technical diagram of technicalness I renewed my domain name for another two years. For some reason, I felt inclined to make this: Some random links Peek at next gen Linux desktop Jack Bauer Facts Chuck Norris Facts