Holy crap! I’m SOO CUT!
The festival was awesome! Some of the nurses that we met last week came and hung out with us for a bit. Also, Sanyo has these festivals every year (apparently) and every year they hire brazillian dancers. I’ve heard of the term G-string before, but never “T-back.” They’re similar. And man did these girls have six-packs!! Very nice! But, the best part was getting totally wasted with everyone! Initially, Ben, Alex, and I, took part in a couple LARGE shots of Kumashochu (the 25% poison that has actually started to grow on me) before we left. This made our spirits high very quickly! In fact, for those that really know me, you’ll know I do not like beer. There was no sake or any other alcoholic beverage at the festival, so I started drinking beer. And other people (co-workers and such) started buying me beers. So, I drank. I drank so much, that eventually, the beer actually started to taste good!
But I’m a little worried about Ben. I think he may have drank too much. He was knocking over tables and cursing a lot, by the end of the night. Ben was more gone than I was, but…
I repeat: I am wasted!
Bath time!