
Well, I eventually got tired of my blog looking almost identical to all other WordPress 1.5 blogs, so I updated it with a new header image! W00p! I spent a ridiculous amount of time screwing around with the Gimp to finally end up with that. All photo content stolen from my diving trip in Japan.… Continue reading Updates


I recently stumbled upon Guifications , a notification plug-in for Gaim. Even more recently, I discovered it has a built in theme editor!… so I made a theme. 🙂 It’s called iZM_Blue, because I was feeling creative. It’s simple, clean, and most importantly, blue. I based it off the default theme to have existing support… Continue reading iZM_Blue

Zaurus Sketches

I’m alive, and I thought I’d better make a quick post to prove it. Actually, I think my disease has finally dissipated. I’ve done a few geeky things which I will blog about later, most likely. But for now, here’s the grand total of four sketches I’ve created on my Zaurus with either the default… Continue reading Zaurus Sketches

Christmas Shopping

Alright. My exams have been over for a few days, now. On Monday, I had my Statistics and my Chemistry exams. After my Chemistry exam, my sister picked me up, and we went to her staff party at a Japanese restaurant she works at, part time. That was good. I got to drink sake and… Continue reading Christmas Shopping