Script: Wireless Strength Polling/Logging/Graphing

Initially, I wrote this script to give me frequent feedback on the signal strength. This is useful when adjusting antennas to that sweet spot that give stronger signals; especially if you’re testing some homemade tinfoil parabolic reflectors! 😉 If you have a portable wireless device, like a netbook, you can ssh into your (wireless) desktop… Continue reading Script: Wireless Strength Polling/Logging/Graphing

File List Applet – GNOME Panel Applet

This is kind of a proof of concept I’ve been playing with. The idea is that finding a file within a folder is often easier by type, and you are often only interested in the most recently modified file. The problem with a file manager is that although you can easily sort by either type… Continue reading File List Applet – GNOME Panel Applet

open-with for the command-line

Update 2008/11/18: Use xargs 😛 Here’s a bash script that you can pipe output into and tell it to run a specific program with the output as arguments. I’ve named it open-with and placed it in my personal script directory: /home/steve/bin/. Look within the script at a couple of the examples for how to use… Continue reading open-with for the command-line

AttrDict Python Module

I’ve been doing quite a bit of Python hacking in my recent free time. A couple days ago, I had the desire for a dictionary that I could access key values just like object attribute names. For example, in the dictionary d={‘key’:’value’}, I wanted to be able to use d.key to return ‘value’. I thought… Continue reading AttrDict Python Module and Image Orientation

I was really puzzled… and in fact, I’m still puzzled, but at least it works now. Update: I’m a bit less puzzled now. I wasn’t using the correct version of (see comments). This post has been updated to correct any information. I also updated the CODE style because posting python code when whitespace is… Continue reading and Image Orientation

How to open a folder with the default file-manager in mono/C#

using System.Diagnostics; … Process.Start (“file:///home/”); Did a bit of IRC channel ping-pong today. Went over to #f-spot to ask a user-related question about f-spot, and got pulled in by curiosity on a totally unrelated topic: opening a folder with the default file-manager. Initiated some discussion on #mono and discovered this was, in fact, not trivial… Continue reading How to open a folder with the default file-manager in mono/C#