Weekend Update with ….

Friday: went to an izakaya with
,, Alex, and a
coworker. drank many “ichigo pine” drinks – (strawberry pineapple,
unanimously agreed upon as the number one drink. period. I claim
discovery credit.) We had sardines! It was almost exactly how it
sounds: a heated can of sardines with the lid peeled off, lemon and
spice on top. It was actually quite good.

Saturday: went to Nagoya Hilton with other
interns (,,, Alex). Mission: to
become fat, gorging on their delicious curry
. Items of sin included Thai Curry, Lamb Curry,
Japanese Vegetable Curry (didn’t get to try that one), Beef Shimeji
Curry (I believe), an awesome salad bar that included many seafood
dishes, fries, fish fillet, white bean soup, and a large dessert bar.
We sat in large Western style chairs that were extremely comfortable,
but forced us to lean over to eat from the table. Well, we were not
going to be outsmarted so easily, and when it was evident that we
needed the extra real estate in our stomach, we began holding the
plates. I believe
had it optimized: eat
enough curry so that your stomach is large enough to be it’s own table.
Anyways, we were all very satisfied after that experience, and I’m
pretty sure we all want to go again.

We split up into smaller groups, and ended up wandering around
Nagoya, shopping, and (of course) trying on lots of hats. I played a
demo of Custom Robo. That game will be fun with a
controller that isn’t crap, and a little time to figure out the play
mechanics. I think it’s a cross between Virtual On
and Smash Brothers. I dunno if it’s possible to be
as good as Smash Brothers, though… that game kicks so much ass.
decided we sucked, and went home. Just me and
doing the bura bura thing. I bought a bottle
of Tantakatan (Japanese shouchuu) from Family Mart
and milked that for the rest of the evening. We ate kimchi fried rice
and gyoza for a late snack/dinner. After leaving Nagoya at around 10:30
(early, by any account), we were reminded of how sometimes it sucks
living in the Japanese country side: we missed the last train the went
to our station and had to walk the difference. Oh well. To say we
needed the exercise would be a severe understatement.

Sunday: I slept in. Met a Japanese guy who
I met on the train ages ago. He drove 2.5 hours to come and pick me up!
Holy crap! Good thing he likes driving, or so he says…. He wears
skater clothing and listens to rap songs that contain choruses that go
something like “suck my d#ck and I’ll lick your
Well, at least he referred to it as “funny,” and…
the rhythm was kinda catchy. We ate tonkatsu, went
on the glorious Solar Ark tour, and saw the tail end of the plum tree
flower festival in Anpachi. The rest of the day was mostly

Today: is monday. bleh. For some reason, I
made a point of getting up extra early, had a shower in the
morning and even ate breakfast in the dormitory
cafeteria! I haven’t done that since my first weeks in Japan! The
scrambled egg is really quite good. The ladies serving thought the
earth stopped turning when I asked for no rice. heh

Note: Mission:
Accomplished. I’m getting fat. Need to snack less
and get more exercise. Mission:

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