Gifu crew reunion!

On Friday night, we had an awesome dinner at Ben’s new apaato with Ben, Mayu, John, Shirley, and Alex. I left my house in such a hurry that I forgot to bring the directions to Ben’s place… if it wasn’t for the tiny Internet cafe at the back of London Drugs, in Brentwood Mall, I may have been extremely late! 😳 It was almost like old times… except we had more space… and we weren’t in Japan. πŸ˜€ Temaki zushi and miso soup! Everything was delicious! Now, I must acquire katsuo dashi for my own miso purposes. Mmm…. And Ben, that gin and tonic was awesome.

John and Shirley have made their pics from the evening available. I will d/l them when I get the chance.

john cam
shirley cam

Note: We owe Ben & Mayu dinner. πŸ˜‰

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